Works in Progress

What am I querying? What am I drafting? Find out here!

Runes and Ruin: Querying

I’m now querying a fun Regency fantasy romance about two people who meet at a Twelfth Night party and find their lives entangeled together far more deeply than they expected. Runes and Ruin has a touch of magic, a few laughs, and a lot of romance.


Honora Grantly will do anything to avoid marrying the Duke of Belmont—including hooking up with a stranger at a Twelfth Night masquerade in order to destroy her reputation. Her ability to read magical auras helps her choose a likely prospect, but the man she tries to seduce, sorcerer Oliver Valance, wants to preserve his good name, not get entangled in scandal. Rather than get caught in a tryst with Honora, he helps her flee Belmont, only to discover that he has inadvertently compromised her by bringing her to London with him. The two marry quickly in an attempt to save their reputations, but they find that marriage to a stranger is more challenging even than the most complicated magic.

Honora’s neurodivergence makes navigating London social life and building a functional marriage even more challenging than normal. Valance, meanwhile, must negotiate tense relationships with his former mistress and his meddling mother. To make matters worse, the Duke of Belmont retaliates against Honora for rejecting him, and he’s willing to target her vulnerable half-sister, Dora. Disguises, detection, and dueling become the order of the day as Honora and Valance employ their wits and magical talents to protect the Grantly family.

Art by Tehremy. Pictured: Valance and Honora.

Currently Revising: Hold Me Fast, Fear Me Not

My most recently completed manuscript is a historical-ish fantasy, set in a different verse rather than the world of The Solitary Rose or Runes and Ruin. I affectionately call this novel “Tam Lin But Make it Werewolves,” and if you’re familiar with the Ballad of Tam Lin, that’s probably all you need to know to guess the basic plot! Unlike my previous Regency romances, this universe includes the Fae, werewolves, and other shifters. Hold Me Fast, Fear Me Not is told from the first person perspective of Janet Vertevale and the voice is a little more modern than some of my other WIPs.

I am still at the stage of getting beta feedback for Hold Me Fast. After that, I’ll begin revising in earnest.

Photo by Steve on